contemporary design

Eagle Warehouse Triplex, BKN

On May 21st, 2021 Saying goodbye to the Eagle Warehouse after 24 years. Two apartments, one on the top floor and the last on the bottom, the triplex that saw our daughter grow from a toddler into a very wise teenager. Like many of our works, never published, but forever providing contemplative satisfaction.


Creative Capital



(A) Creative Capital's new Manhattan offices, designed by viaARCHITECTURE (Thomas Allen)

There are good clients and then there are good clients with great projects. They don’t always go together, but when they do, the result can be inspiring architecture and design. viaARCHITECTURE, the New York City firm led by Frederick Biehle and Erika Hinrichs, found both when they were commissioned to design the New York offices for Creative Capital.

October 2018

Kemeri Bog Competition

(A) View towards Main Entrance

(A) View towards Main Entrance


In Classical Antiquity, the Oracle was thought to be the mystical portal through which the Gods could speak directly to the people.

This proposal is shaped as a man-made clearing, a space that allows for an interface between the Earth and the Sky; the vertical axis that can intersect with the horizon and the extended horizontal path that will traverse the Great Kemeri Bog. It is a space that allows for the gathering of knowledge through its Visitor Center exhibition and a place of respite as a kind of oasis that offers regeneration.

The enclosing walls are fabricated in faceted sections from Shou Sugi Ban charred wood, a finishing system invented in Japan that naturally preserves the material. It is set up to act as a scrim- a surface that both filters the condition that lies beyond it while allowing natural light to enter in.

(A) Oracle Plan

(A) Section through Courtyard and Campground (B) View from outdoor Cafe towards Ticket Booth

(A) Section through Courtyard and Campground
(B) View from outdoor Cafe towards Ticket Booth

October 2018

Midtown, NYC

Revisiting a project realized nearly 20 years ago, Ruby Lerner's Park Avenue apartment was re-imagined by adding the floor as a composed and integrated elevations. Its previously warm coloration was made to be more contemplative, reflective of the sky. Published originally in Living Large in Small Spaces, it continues to remain her sanctuary.

Ruby Lerner.jpg

April 2018

Upper West Side, NY

After a unique collaboration with Muriel and David Albert, that sustained itself over five different phases (balcony, master bathroom, piano noblile, upper bedrooms, ground living floor) their unique upper west side townhouse is complete.  Thank you to Anna Sawicka and Daniel Keller.

Photo by Thomas Allen

Photo by Thomas Allen

New York City

Frederick Biehle and viaARCHITECTURE were credited in the New York Times article “What I Love”. Julie Morgenstein, an organization guru and consultant, offered a testament for thinking (and buying) small, how her apartmenthad been renovated to “seem larger than it actually is”.viaARCHITECTURE’s approach- Porosity, Materiality, Interiority – fit perfectly in resolving the client’s needs.